Haman Had a Gallows

Parody of Lucy Had a Steamboat by Howard Worona.

The author of this song would be delighted if others sang the song; please include the author's name in any reproduction.

Haman had a gallows; the gallows had a rope
Haman built the gallows, because he was a ...

Dopey Achashverosh drank 'til he was sloshed
He would rarely brush his teeth. They say he never...

Vashti was the first wife of Shushan's ruling king.
She was not a beauty queen and she couldn't...

Sing a song of Esther, who came upon the scene
She was such a sight to see the King made her his...

Queen Esther's cousin, Mordechai the Jew
Overhearing Haman's plot, told the Queen the...

News flash Shushan! Now the King was told
Haman would be hung upon a rope 'til he was...

Cold winter holiday; have a little nosh!
Young and old enjoy a little...

Hah-man, hah-man, hah-man, hah-man,
Hah-man, hah-man, tash tash tash

Howard Worona Songs: Hey Man - Haman and the Rope Real High - Haman had a Gallows - The Shu-Shan Blues

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