Ilana's Note: Caring for Jimmy the Turtle (29 Dec 08)

Dear Apu,

When I'm gone in Florida, I need you to watch Jimmy (my turtle). Every morning, you will need to turn on his light, and at night, you will need to turn it off. (The switch is at the top.) Also, you will need to feed him. The food is called ReptoMin, and will be on my desk. Drop 1 in the water. We won't eat it right away, but if he does, please do a happy dance. Lastly, (isn't that good wording! :) ) I will be gone for a while, so the water may evaporate. If the water gets lower than the bottom of the green tape, please add some. You will need to make sure that Jimmy can breath. IF you add water to the tank, please also add a drop of stress coat, which will be next to the food.

Thanks a lot! You're the BEST!

Love, Ilana

P.S. The happy dance is: Step, step, kick, shimmy, shimmy, shimmy, step, step, crazy legs! And BIIIIIG Finish! :)

Note: The Letter was initially written to Becca, but when Ilana realized that Becca would be away for two of the days she was gone, Ilana changed the salutation from "Dear Becca" to "Dear Apu".

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