Becca & Shari's B'not Mitzvah Parents' Speech

Steve: [Niggun] Yai-diddie-dai diddie-dai-dai-dai-dai-dai-dai yai-diddie-dai diddie-dai ...

Deb: [speak] Hinay ma tov oomanayim; shevet achim gam yachad

Steve: What is good?

Deb: Could it be sitting together as a family?

Steve: Why have we come together today --- our relatives, our friends, and our community --- all as an extended family?

Deb: What could we possibly say to you now --- that you have a chance of remembering?

Steve: Why do Jews answer questions --- with more questions?

Deb: Why not?

Steve: [sing] Ma --- Rebee Grover mi Soos Sesame haya omer?

Deb: What did Rabbi Grover of Sesame Street used to say?

Steve: Could it be, "Asking questions is a very good way to learn."?

Deb: Did Rav Carey invent the "Question Game?"

Steve: Whose lain is it anyway?

Deb: How are these B'not Mitzvah different from all other B'not Mitzvah?

Steve: How will each of you distinguish yourself?

Deb: Will you go to the places that we have shown you?

Steve: Will you explore lands you do not know?

Deb: Does this B'not Mitzvah event represent the completion of a journey --- or is it just the beginning?

Steve: Will you be satisfied with standard explanations --- p'shat --- or will you seek deeper meaning --- drash?

Deb: Will you seek answers?

Steve: Will you seek questions?

Deb: Will you strive to learn new information?

Steve: Will you strive to learn tools --- as you learned Torah troupe --- equipping yourselves to learn even more effectively?

Deb: Will you question authority?

Steve: Will you ask questions to disrupt --- or to understand --- and to "repair the world" --- Li-takain olam?

Deb: Can you imagine how proud - of - you - we - are?

Steve: What --- is --- good?

Deb: Could it be --- sitting together as a family --- and as a community --- as we are all doing today?

Steve: Will you --- and you all --- please join us in singing a song?

Deb & Steve: [sing] Hinay ma tov oomanayim ...

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