2012: Best of Division, hand knitting, San Diego County Fair.
June 2011: Steve in the Chicken Blog.
March 10, 2011: Steve dJ is quoted in this article: Nordson ASYMTEK Mentors Students in the FIRST Robotics Competition in San Diego
January 2011: Erika and Steve appear in ChickenBlog.
Winter/Spring 2010: A familiar face spotted at the Canyon Crest Academy, Del Mar Heights, CA. The event was a Booster Rally and sponsor thank you for this year’s First Robotics and First Tech Challenge teams. A successful Rookie Year for both teams.
Passover 5768: We took a break between seders and
Launched 6 travel bugs. "Next year in ??? --- to Acton, Encinitas, Natick, San Carlos, Menlo Park, and Jerusalem!"
June is the month that
Steve dJ reached fifty years 2007 |
May in Disneyland
Four cousins, aunts and uncles Could life be better? |
22 May 2007: Karen was granted a patent with her friend Maria Uspenski for an Infuser Tea Pot. See Maria's business:
The Tea Spot, based in Boulder.